1 | 美代子填上他们的电话号码、地址和电子邮件地址,随即荧屏上显示“祝贺你!你已成功地购买了一台佳能相机。”一周后,美代子收到了她订购的相机。 | Miyoko filled in their telephone number, address and e-mail address. Then a screen came up that read, “Cogratulations! You have successfully bought a Canon camera.” A week later Miyoko received the camera she had ordered. | |
2 | 那人用土把洞填平。 | The man filled in the hole with dirt | |
3 | 你填那张表了吗 | Have you filled in the form? | |
4 | 商标注册申请人的名义、章戳,应当与核准或者登记的名称一致。申报的商品不得超出核准或者登记的经营范围。商品名称应当依照商品分类表填写;商品名称未列入商品分类表的,应当附送商品说明。 | The name and seal of the applicant for trademark registration shall be identical with those that have been approved or registered. The goods listed in the application must not overstep the approved or registered scope of business. The names of the goods shall be filled in or written as specified in the table for the classification of goods; for goods that are not listed in the said table, goods directions shall be attached to the application. | |
5 | 申请手续不齐备或者未按照规定填写申请书件的,予以退回,申请日期不予保留。 | if the applicant has not gone through all the necessary application procedures or the application form is not filled in as prescribed, the application shall be returned to the applicant, and the date of application shall not be maintained. | |
6 | 申请手续基本齐备或者申请书件基本符合规定,但是需要补正的,商标局通知申请人予以补正,限期在收到通知之日起十五天内,按指定内容补正并交回商标局。 | If the applicant has in the main gone through the necessary application procedures or the application form is in the main filled in as prescribed, but some addition or correction is required, the Trademark Office shall notify the applicant of the requirement and ask the latter to make the required addition or correction and return the application form to the Trademark Bureau within 15 days, starting from the day the notice is received. | |
7 | 申请手续齐备并按照规定填写申请书件的,编写申请号,发给《受理通知书》; | If the applicant has gone through all the necessary application procedures and the application form is filled in as prescribed, an application number shall be compiled and a Notice of Cognizance issued to the applicant; | |
8 | 石墨填充纳米功能复合材料的制备与机理研究进展 | Advance of Preparation and Mechanism of Graphite Filled-in Functional Nanocomposites | |
9 | 双曲极限圆映射的混沌吸引子及充满Julia集 | Chaotic Attractors and Generalized Filled-in Julia Sets from Mapping with Hyperbolic Limit Disc | |
10 | 所有表单项均须填写完整 | All fields must be filled in | |
11 | 他独来独往,至使他的存在在大伙儿的眼里变得无足轻重。 | He isolated himself till the space he filled in the public eye was contemptibly small | |
12 | 他看电视来打发当天剩下的时间. | He filled in the rest of the day watching television. | |
13 | 他们在去年填补了一项科学技术领域的空白。 | Last year they filled in the gaps in the fields of science and technology. | |
14 | 他生病时我代替他。 | I filled in for him while he was sick. | |
15 | 通过网上申请的,应当如实填写相关电子表格并传送至相应的发证机构。 | In the case of online application, the related electronic form should be filled in according to the facts and transmitted to the corresponding issuing bodies. | |
16 | 位图:由一系列小点组成的图片,就好像一张方格纸,填充其中的某些方块以形成形状或线条。 | bitmap: A picture made from a series of small dots, much like a piece of graph paper with certain squares filled in to form shapes and lines. | |
17 | 文件中留待填写的空白处。 | An empty space on a document to be filled in . | |
18 | 我把表格填错了.再给我一张空白的,可以吗 | I’ve filled in this form incorrectly.Can I have another blank? | |
19 | 我想各项都填对了。 | I think I’ve filled in everything correctly. | |
20 | 我已填了表,但你还需要添上你的储蓄详情和出生日期。 | I’ve filled in the form, but you still need to insert your bank details and date of birth. | |
21 | 杏鲍菇木屑塑料包栽培之初步研究 | Preliminary Studies on the Cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii (DC.: Fr.)Quél. on Sawdust Filled in Polypropylene Bags | |
22 | 以下由工作人员填写 | The Following Is Filled in by Operator Only | |
23 | 用遗传算法搜索一维光子晶体带隙 | Genetic Algorithm Searching of one-dimensional Photonic Crystal with Broad Band Gap Based on pixel-filled-in Method | |
24 | 原产产品在进口时,必须随附由出口商填写和签字并由出口受惠国政府机构予以证明的申报与原产地证明书联合格式--格式A证书 | Originating products must be accompanied on importation by the Combined Declaration and Certificate of Origin in Form A filled in and signed by the exporter, and certified by a governmental authority | |
25 | 圆钢管超高强混凝土应力-应变关系研究 | Study on Stress-Strain Relationship of Super High-Strength Concrete Filled in Circular Steel Tube | |
26 | 在会议中,他暂时代替了主席。 | He filled in for the chairman during the meeting | |
27 | 在他们的后面,工兵冲进了反坦克壕。 | Behind them engineers filled in the antitank ditch | |
28 | 在最后一分钟才临时替补的演员 | an understudy who filled in at the last minute. | |
29 | 这几个字油墨过浓,损坏了整个版面。 | These few letters filled in and spoiled the whole page | |
30 | 这张支票填写正确,被认可。 | The cheque was properly filled in and was endorsed |